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Book Review: Dr. Gott's No Flour No Suguar Diet by Dr. Peter H. Gott M.D.

An easy-to-follow instruction plan for permanent weight loss and a healthy lifestyle is found between the covers of Dr. Peter Gott’s book: No Flour, No Sugar Diet. I started the “diet” last week. Today I stepped on the scale and found I had lost three pounds in seven days.

The greatest part about following Dr. Gott’s plan is you don’t have to count points or fat grams. You do have to watch what the ingredients are in the food you buy at the store or order at the restaurant. The ingredients to stay away from are of course flour and sugar. You might scoff and say "how easy that would be?" but if you read the labels of your groceries, you’d be surprised at the sugar that is put in almost all processed foods.

One thing I found interesting was that when following a diet with no flour or no sugar, that pretty much leaves wholegrain rice, fresh fruits and vegetables and meats, as contenders for consumption. That is what nutritionists have been screaming all these years.

I don’t think Dr. Gott has hit on something new - he’s just found a new way to say it. But believe it or not it’s an easy plan to follow. It’s as simple as the title of the book: just stay away from flour and sugar.Cutting the refined carbs is not the only part of the plan.

He also pushes the idea of exercising - that’s right, exercising. He talks of using more calories than you eat so you still have to watch the portion size of meals. I found, though, that if I stop eating when I was full and had snacks between meals (which Dr. Gott says to do) I didn’t get hungry or have those carb cravings late in the afternoon.

The book also has sections on specific medical conditions, how to satisfy a sweet tooth without sugar, how to stay on track, and weight maintenance. It also includes ideas for meal plans, dishes, and deserts.

All in all, Dr. Gott’s No Flour, No Sugar Diet, was a fast read, simple to understand, with loads of information to help the nutrition information-impaired gain knowledge for a healthier way to eat and live.

One thing I didn’t like is his idea of using so much artificial sweetener in prepared dishes.

Although this is a common-sense plan for eating and exercise, you should always consult your physician first.