Movie Trailers

Book Review: Magruder's Curiosity Cabinet by H.P. Wood

Magruder's Curiosity Cabinet
H.P. Wood
Paperback: 368 pages*
Publisher: Sourcebooks Landmark (June 7, 2016)
This book has been called a treasure, or a bizarre tale, I’ll say it’s a bizarre treasure!
The year is 1904. A terrible plague is taking over, “The Cough” soon burns through Cony Island and there is a quarantine. Kitty finds herself with no mother, no money and no place to go. The folks of Magruder’s Curiosity Cabinet, a group of “undesirables” take her in. They decide to help Kitty find her mother but end up in the middle of a more sinister situation where corruption is the order of the day.

This is a great historical read and I truly enjoyed the cast of characters, though it be a lot. The setting was real and the plot was great. Before reading you should take a trip to the author website and look at some of the pics and listen to the “theme music” it will get the setting down for you.

I’ll recommend this book anytime. H.P. Wood makes it work where you think it couldn’t be done. It's a keeper.
*My version is in digital format from NetGalley.